Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Tales of Ettan: The Fall of Thront Part I

The city had stood for hundreds of years. From Thront came the settlers of Datual, capital of the great kingdom of Ettan. Its ports' traffic rivaled that of even Brackelry to the west. It was proud and strong, as were it's citizens, and it could not have foreseen what was to come.

Word had come from the capital that hamlets, villages and towns to the north were being attacked by goblin hordes. The king had sent many of his men to push back the threat, but the goblin numbers were too many. King Mavvus required Thront's help.

With little delay, Thront issued nearly half of its military force to aid the Datule soldiers in their fight. But it soon became clear that the goblins were but a distraction. By late fall, word came late at night by horseman that the Capital had been attacked, not by goblins, but by an army of orcs that came through passes, mines and secret tunnels through the mountains north and east of the city. It's forces diminished, Datule City fell. The king and his guard held the castle walls and did not allow the orc threat to take the thrown. Not even Datule Castle, though, could long hold against the orc siege.

Once again, Thront was called upon for help. They were the closest, by far, in the kingdom to Datual with military force. So Thront was left with only its city guard to protect it as its remaining soldiers marched to the capital.

It was that night, a night of moonless sky, that the ocean brought death to the great port city.

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