Friday, July 22, 2011

I love me some summer

Keeping cool and, most importantly, not complaining about the weather. Born and raised in NH and not about to forfeit my New England card to get grumpy about what happens every friggin year.

CP's working hard on costumes, I help by being a model every so often and we both have Sam Summer in us.

I was sad to bring my Toshiba Thrive tablet computer back to Best Buy today, but looking forward to getting a new laptop in its place. Unless you can afford to add to your monthly internet/data package payments, it's just not worth trying to replace your main internet machine with a tablet. They'er just a handicapped computer screen without access to the webs.

We're going to tackle the office soon which means I will have a designated place to write which means I might actually, you know, write more. Very much looking forward to that. I've got so many ideas I want to get down and I know it's just an excuse. I can write anywhere any time I have the time to do so. But a designated space will help with the ritual of writing and the ritual is, in my case, key to my success as a writer.

Okay. Off to order take out from Agave for a going away party.

Stay cool, stay tuned, have a Sam Summer, they're reeeeeally good.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Hell Week

We're at hump day of tech week for Midsummer. Crunch time. Due to the unavoidable nature of this rehearsal period, most aspects of the production are in one stage or another of chaos: props, costumes, lines. But we'll make it. We've still got 3 rehearsals before we open. Chrissie and I stayed up to the wee hours last night so she could work on costumes. I mostly watched Modern Family and nodded off here and there. I think she'll have to do it again tonight. We're both pooped and frazzled, but keeping our chins up. As they say in the North (by they, I mean me and Chrissie) "August is coming."

Saturday, July 16, 2011

A Summer Saturday

Having jumped (a.k.a. slowly waded into) the ocean, CP and I are about to head to South Berwick where, today, Jacks and Dan shall be wed beneath a blue sky and a summer sun. I can't imagine this being anything but a really good time, and that's not the vodka tonic pre-game drink talking.
On another note, in less than a day, Tobin will be leaving us for new horizons. Perhaps a wonderful thing for him, but a sad thing for all of us who are left behind. We'll miss ya' somthin' awful, T Moss and I'm sorry we never played D&D. Hope you find what you're looking for, but, at the same time, hope you come back to us.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Made without thought, falling from lip to bottom, this is what makes the flesh tedious and finds me wanting more. I try and continue to hold the line, the dots, the streaks of foul, the screams from stones, but nothing comes to me, no word worthy. Facing the east is easy, finding the path that takes you there cries for labor and fatigue. Posting does little more than shattering the glass that can only be seen in sleepful eyes and mist. Pounding harder about the ground I move outward, stretching my craziness without fear of attending ears. Hands off of me, take yourself away and don't look backward lest ye fell your own best.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Trimming the Plant

Imagine a branching plant. Periodically, branches die and rot threatening the health and sometimes the very life of the plant. These branches must be severed and discarded in order for the plant to continue growing.

Now imagine mankind as a branching plant. It's different aspects are the branches. Imagine organized religion as one of those branches. It is my belief that it is this branch that is among those that have died, are rotting and are threatening the health and life of the plant.

For us as a species to grow and reach our potential, religion must be severed and discarded. Its purpose has long been lost, its time is long over due, its relevance is no longer arguable. It is a system of understanding the universe, and the life within it, based on myth, emotion, hypocrisy and ignorance.

It is time for us all to shed the ways of the past that keep us from our potential. We can not call or even think of ourselves as civilized while hate, fear and greed saturate the foundations of our societies. We must stop believing that what we are today is as good as it gets.

If it were up to me, if I were the "gardener", religion would be the first branch I'd cut.